Genome and gene model resources
Gene model resources
Annelid genomes project (23 annelid species; Lewin et al. 2024a) | Link
Acholoe squamosa, Alentia gelatinosa, Alitta virens, Amphiduros pacificus, Aporrectodea icterica, Bimastos eiseni, Brachipolynoe longqiensis, Branchellion lobata, Harmothoe impar, Hirudinaria manillensis, Lamellibrachia columna, Lepidonotus clava, Lumbricus rubellus, Lumbricus terrestris, Metaphire vulgaris, Paraescarpia echinospica, Piscicola geometra, Protula sp. h YS2021, Sipunculus nudus, Sthenelais limicola, Streblospio benedicti, Terebella lapidaria, Urechis unicinctus
Bryozoan genomes project (5 bryozoan species; Lewin et al. 2024b) | Link
Bugulina stolonifera, Cristatella mucedo, Cryptosula pallasiana, Membranipora membranacea, Watersipora subatra
Bilaterian genomes project (14 bilaterian species; Lewin et al. 2024c) | Link
Amphiscolops sp. MND2022 (acoel worm; Xenacoelomorpha), Antedon bifida (crinoid; Echinodermata), Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda (horseshoe crab; Arthropoda), Convolutriloba macropyga (acoel worm; Xenacoelomorpha), Emplectonema gracile (ribbon worm; Nemertea), Gordius sp. MW1 (horsehair worm; Nematomorpha), Hypsibius dujardini (water bear; Tardigrada), Ophiura sarsii (brittle star; Echinodermata), Schizocardium californicum (acorn worm, Hemichordata), Schmidtea mediterranea (planarian; Platyhelminthes), Strigamia acuminata (centipede; Arthropoda), Styela plicata (tunicate; Chordata), Trichinella spiralis (nematode; Nematoda), Trididemnum miniatum (tunicate; Chordata)
Genome resources
The nemertean Notospermus geniculatus (Luo et al. 2018)
The phoronid Phoronis australis (Luo et al. 2018)
The brachiopod Lingula anatina (Luo et al. 2015)
Lewin TD, Liao IJY, Luo YJ (2024c) Conservation of animal genome structure is the exception not the rule. bioRxiv 2024.08.02.606322. (preprint) | Link
Lewin TD, Liao IJY, Chen ME, Bishop JDD, Holland PWH, Luo YJ (2024b) Fusion, fission, and scrambling of the bilaterian genome in Bryozoa. Genome Research, accepted. | Preprint
Lewin TD, Liao IJY, Luo YJ (2024a) Annelid comparative genomics and the evolution of massive lineage-specific genome rearrangement in bilaterians. Molecular Biology and Evolution 41, msae172. | Link
Luo YJ, Kanda M, Koyanagi R, Hisata K, Akiyama T, Sakamoto H, Sakamoto T, Satoh N (2018) Nemertean and phoronid genomes reveal lophotrochozoan evolution and the origin of bilaterian heads. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 141–151. | Link
Luo YJ, Takeuchi T, Koyanagi R, Yamada L, Kanda M, Khalturina M, Fujie M, Yamasaki S, Endo K, Satoh N (2015) The Lingula genome provides insights into brachiopod evolution and the origin of phosphate biomineralization. Nature Communications 6, 8301. | Link